life of williams

garrett and i met in may of 2011, started dating in june/july of 2012, and were married may 18, 2013. we are currently living in auburn while i finish up grad school. we don't know where the Lord will lead us next, but we do know that we'll follow wherever it is that he takes us. we are both passionate about being active: we love running, going on walks, and have picked up a new love for cycling. we also like to watch sports (most importantly, college football).

dancing is also another favorite of ours. it's always a treat when we can go out and dance somewhere, although g's been known to create an impromptu dance floor wherever he sees fit!

we aren't perfect. pictures are just a snapshot of good times in life. like any other relationship, ours hits rough patches. we lean on the Lord through thick and thin and trust that just as he taught us to love in the first place, he will continue to teach us how. after all, when you're as weird as we are, you need all the help you can get!

that's us in very small nutshell. we're just learning to love and hoping that as we grow to look more like Christ, individually and together, we can do some things right along the way.